Thank you to the many, many groups we have had out this year! From reopening at the end of April we have been super busy with wildlife tours and it’s all thanks to you!
As usual this year has flown by and with the arrival of thousands of Fieldfare and Redwing it’s a sure sign Winter is just around the corner. With bookings rolling in for next year it is easy to write 2021 off, but its not over yet. The Salmon and Seatrout are spawning, the Winter migrants are arriving on mass and the hardcore residents are preparing for the Winter. So if you at a loose end, or wondering what do to for Christmas, why not head out? There is, as always, so much to see!
As usual you can get in touch via the website, our social media platforms or give us a call.
Here are few shots from this Autumn and some from last Winter, lets hope for the same again this year!